> 产品中心> DC650J-MH


东芝压铸机TUE series
  • 若想追求更高的质量,回答当然是非J-MH莫属

  • 东芝机械具备从工作机械到半导体制造装置所有产业机械方面的技术,正是这种高超的"技术",造就了如此全新的产品

  • If you want to pursue a higher quality, the answer of course non J-MH is none other than.

  • Toshiba Machine have machines to semiconductor manufacturing equipment and industrial machinery's technology, it is this superb "technology", creating such a new product.


l         合模力(Die-locking force)            6500kN

l         模板尺寸(Platen dimensions(VXH))     1200mmx1200mm

l         大柱间隔(Tie bar spacing(VXH))       850mmx850mm

l         大柱直径(Tie bar diameter)           160mm

l         模具厚度(Die thickness)              900mm~350mm

l         模具行程(Die stroke)                 660mm